Whole school
Help Your Child With Computers
An advice leaflet for parents with information on computer safety and the benefits of computers.
Infant Writing Leaflet
Simple advice for parents on helping an infant child with writing.
Pre School Reading Leaflet
Simple advice for parents on helping a pre-school child to read.
Junior Maths Leaflet
A leaflet for parents outlining the Maths being taught at Key Stage 2.
Infant Maths Leaflet
A leaflet for parents which outlines the type of Maths being taught in Key Stage 1 classrooms.
Junior Writing Leaflet
Simple advice for parents on helping a junior child enjoy writing.
Learning new ways to say Hello
Learn another circle game and then find out lots of different ways to say hello. Practice saying hello making good eye contact. Work as part of a group to make a ‘hello’ flag. Teach the new hello to the rest of the class.
Infant Reading Leaflet
Simple advice for parents on helping a child start reading.
Phonics Leaflet
Simple advice for parents on helping a child with phonics.
Pre School Writing Leaflet
Simple advice for parents on helping a pre-school child to write.
Junior Reading Leaflet
Simple advice for parents on helping a junior child enjoy reading.
Pre-School Maths Leaflet
A leaflet or parents of Pre-Schoolers giving them advice on how to use maths with their children in everyday life.